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What's rediagram?#

rediagram can generate an image of the infrastructure diagram by describing the infrastructure configuration using JSX notation1.

Let's try to create an infrastructure configuration diagram with the following requirements:

  • Infrastructure is on GCP
  • API runs on AppEngine
  • Connect via CloudEndpoints from devices such as iOS/Android/Web

In rediagram, such infrastructure can be expressed by the following code.

import React from 'react';import { PNG, Diagram, GeneralIcon } from 'rediagram';import { GCP, AppEngine, CloudEndpoints, InvizGCP } from '@rediagram/gcp';
PNG(  <Diagram title="App Engine and Cloud Endpoints">    <InvizGCP>      <GeneralIcon        name="iOS/Android/Web"        type="Mobile client"        upstream={['Mobile Backend API']} />      <GCP>        <CloudEndpoints name="Mobile Backend API" upstream={['API']} />        <AppEngine name="API" />      </GCP>    </InvizGCP>  </Diagram>);

When this source file is executed by ts-node etc.2, the following image will be output to the directory.

gcp diagram

In this example, I drew the infrastructure diagram of GCP, but @rediagram/aws provides many components for drawing the infrastructure diagram of AWS.

Other cloud providers will be supported in sequence.


rediagram is a framework for using React to generate infrastructure diagrams.

Taking advantage of the following features of React, it provides a function to declaratively create an infrastructure configuration diagram.

  • Declarative
    • It provides the ability to declaratively create a UI by using JSX, an extended syntax of JavaScript.
  • Component-Based
    • With React, you can first create an encapsulated component that manages your own state and then combine them to build a complex UI.
    • rediagram provides the services provided by each cloud provider as components. By combining these, it will create an infrastructure configuration diagram.
  • Learn Once, Write Anywhere
    • React is generally established as a technology for building applications on browsers using ReactDOM etc., but there are no restrictions on the technology that can be used in combination.
    • rediagram is used in combination with Graphviz to create an infrastructure diagram.


  1. Beautiful Infrastructure diagram
    • rediagram can generate a beautiful infrastructure diagram without any config.
    • It is designed to output diagrams that follow the design guidelines provided by each cloud provider by using packages such as @rediagram/gcp and @rediagram/aws.
  2. Zero Config
    • rediagram aims to work without the need for detailed settings. In addition, you can set the behavior common to all projects by adding a config file.
  3. Support TypeScript 3
    • rediagram provides a d.ts file. You can get support such as type completion through editors such as VSCode and IDEs.

  1. JavaScript syntax extension. You can express structured values like XML in JavaScript.
  2. JSX files can be run through a transpiler that can interpret JSX. Since the TypeScript compiler can interpret JSX, ts-node, which can be executed directly through the TypeScript compiler, is convenient.
  3. A free and open source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It's a strict superset of JavaScript with optional static typing and class-based object orientation.